When love hurts!!!

Love can be tricky, it varies in intensity and in specificity of emotions, it's sometimes the most amazing thing in the world and at other times its the most horrid thing we'll ever come face to face with. Its the closest thing to perfection that exists in the world, the only thing that encompasses both good and evil, beautiful and ugly. Contrary to popular belief or wishful thinking, love doesn't always result in the joining of two people, sometimes or rare occasions it results in the wedging apart of the two people. You can love someone with all ur soul and never get a chance to be with that person, the fact is love is not enough to sustain a relationship because its not rational. Unfortunately we live in a world governed by rationality, and we manage to make it work for sometimes, then the real world catches up with us and our irrational illusions disappear into thin air, then we are left with reality, and reality doesn't reason the way lovers do. Share ...