Organizers Of Heroes TV Reality Show Calls Out On President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.

The Producers of Nigeria's first TV reality show tagged; Heroes...back to the roots with a vision to promoting peace and unity in the country and also the diverse rich cultural heritage of the nation, has recently claimed that they wish to have the federal government collaboration on the project so as to guarantee maximum actualization of the Heroes dream. Mrs. Chinyere Ogbukagu - Producer, Heroes TV Show Mrs. Chinyere Ogbugaku, producer of the Heroes...back to the roots TV reality show explained that, considering the present insurgency and security challenges confronting Nigeria, the federal government should engage the general public on sensitization programs that will re-shape our mindsets verbally and dramatically despite our various religious and ethnic differences. She further explained using the Heroes kingdom(house) as an example where 37 house mates representing the 36 States of Nigeria including F.C.T Abuja, all come together as one Nigeria promoting t...