The Pros And Cons In Sex And Relationship

Sex is a very important topic. And in relationships, it actually destroys or strengthens it; especially for Us women. I would implore women that you shouldn’t allow a man who just wants to have sex with you pressure you into sleeping with him at an early stage. It doesn’t actually make him a bad guy if he wants to have sex with you, he is just being a guy, and many women let him get away with it. That’s exactly where the problem lies…with us women falling to easily. Don’t be a woman who has sex with a guy thinking that physicality will keep his interest. Most men seek sex for the immediate physical gratification. Here’s a question I recently received from one of my readers(let’s call her Sanmi)“Hi Miss Kemi, I’m dating this guy, and we have an amazing connection. But since our second date, when we slept together, I feel like he hasn’t treated me as special. Don’t get me wrong, he still comes over and we have a great time, but I feel like he’s just into sex and not wan...